Friday, 4 July 2014

How To Quickly Search For Anyone / Anything Stored On Your BlackBerry 10 Smartphone.


Yes i'm a BlackBerry lover and Owner :D . I was jumping about the knowledge zone and found this trick off a site. From the picture I used one of the least apps we blackberry users make ado with "the universal search app" to track down a particular friend of mine somewhere off my phone and viola, just the search I wanted to find popped up on the search list, that's actually in my words but this is what the blogger said:
"From the universal search, users can perform many tasks without actually opening their respective apps. Eg Typing "tweet" immediately brings an option to create and send a tweet from the search app. While typing "Facebook" enables users update their status' without going to Facebook. I've compiled a list of available shortcuts and their functions below, enjoy.

"Tweet" : immediately starts creating a tweet which can be sent from there.
"BBM 'contact name' ": opens/starts a chat with the particular bbm contact.
"Call 'contact name' ": places a call the the selected contact.
"Text 'contact name' ": creates a draft with the selected contact as a recipient.
"Diary ", "Note" or "List" : starts creating a note for you to fill and save without leaving the search app.
"Email 'contact'" : creates a draft with the selected contact as a recipient.
"Facebook " : starts creating a post for you to upload to Facebook.
"Google 'string'" : Searches for your string on
"Help" : lunches the help app.
"Map 'location" : Opens the location in maps app.
"Play 'music file'" : starts playing the selected song, album or Playlists".

I almost felt like the phone was actually built for my use B) thanks to @stan_hanks I would not search aimlessly with stress. More tips and tricks could be seen here "talking to the BB10 users".

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